Airbnb in Meechok Area - Chiang Mai, Thailand

We liked the stay at D Condo Sign apartment next to Central Festival. But that booking was only for two weeks. So we moved out and tried a different area. This one was still in Fa Ham area called Meechok. There is a Lotus supermarket, Tops supermarket and Rimping supermarket nearby. Also plenty of shops at the other corner of the street. That's the reason why I chose this condo.

Compare to D Condo Sign, the pool here is small. Also there's an extra fee to use pool and gym. Unfortunately that wasn't communicated on the Airbnb posting. The gym's equipment were not that good either. So after trying it one time I didn't go back.

The room was nice. Bright with view to next building's lot. 😌 Our unit is on third floor so using a staircase is still a possibility. Building has a total of seven floor so we could also use stairs as climbing exercises. We did try that once ! 😂

This is by far the best kitchen so far. It's way more superior compare to D Condo because we struggled to even boiled eggs at D Condo. 😐 Hubby joked that if we could move this condo to D Condo location then it would be perfect.

The balcony has decent size with a big rolling door equipped with mosquito screen. Since it's rainy season now and not too sunny, we could just open the balcony door and not use air con until noon. That helps a lot because over here we have to pay separately for water and electricity.
