CNY 2020 - Year of The Rat

This year's lunar new year is the second year we spent in Vancouver, Canada. Last year we had a small family dinner just among us and the big family dinner was cancelled due to snow storm. This year we managed to have a big family gathering at Sun Sui Wah on Main St for dimsum. I don't have photos because the food was attached so fast as everyone were starving.

Chinese New Year this time seems to come to fast and I wasn't prepared. Before I know it was already new year and I didn't feel like baking anything. But this weekend I decided to make kuih mor - and it's still within New Year period so it still counts. LOL.

Updated recipe :

1 stick butter (4 oz) or 4 oz ghee
65 gr flour
1 egg yolk

For icing :
4 tbs icing sugar
2 tbs milk powder

Method :
Preheat oven to 350 F. Meanwhile mix butter, flour and egg yolk. Stir until all the ingredients are incorporated. Shaped into small balls with diameter about 1 inch. Once all the dough has been shaped into rounded ball shapes. Bake in the oven for about 25 minutes.

When time is up, take the tray out. The balls should have a bit darker color. Let them cool off a bit before rolling them in the sugar milk powder mixture. Use caution when rolling them as to not break off the balls.


