Teochew Red Peach Cake (潮州红桃粿)

I grew up helping my mom making these red peach shaped cake. Due to the complexity of the making, it's usually saved for special occasion. This year mom almost decided not to make it due to her recovery from her fell. But since I decided to spend CNY with my parents this year, she got an extra pair of hands to help.

First she mixed rice flour with starch with hot water. Stir well with a few drops of red food coloring. Then the mixture need to be steamed for about 15 minutes. After that she took out the rice flour and starch mixture and put the dough onto a lightly floured surface and started kneading it. After it's nice and soft, the dough was then covered and set aside.

The filling was a mixture of finely chopped pork, dried shitake mushroom, yellow hard tofu and dried shrimp. After all those stir fried and cooked then the cooked glutinous rice was mixed in along with finely chopped celery leaves.

Now we were ready to roll and shape.

Either the filling was placed into the dough and shaped into a longish bun which then pressed into the mold. Or I liked to place the thinly rolled dough onto the mold and placed the filling into the mold. This way I sort of know how much filling to use and not overfilled it.

After the bun was nicely pressed into the mold then with a bit shaking and tapping onto my palm, I knocked it out of the mold. Voila !

Continued the process with the rest of the ingredients. Once we had about 7 pieces then we placed them into the steamer. Team work did make it faster. Even hubby was involved. He was in charge of the steamer. 😎
