Kafe Betawi - Jakarta, Indonesia

I have been to this restaurant a few times by now. Hubby and parents also enjoy the food there. I see it as a safe place to try a lot of Indonesian food and street food.

Some people may complain of the price. But then again the location is in the mall which also gives ease of access. Some may argue that the quality of the food is so so. The way I see it is it's convenient to find different types of Indonesian food all in one seating. I could order a few things to satisfy my craving.

Picture above showed gado-gado (salad with peanut dressing), nasi uduk with presto chicken (coconut rice with fried chicken, fried tempeh and fried tofu), nasi with semur daging (rice with braised beef), chicken satay in the middle and left hand side bottom is tahu telor (tofu omelette with sweet peanut sauce).

The rice with braised beef came with a chunk of braised potato, tofu and rice noodle. Topped off with emping crackers.

Sup buntut (ox tail soup) served with rice.

Left : ketoprak (rice cake, tofu, rice noodle with garlicky peanut dressing). Right : lontong capgomeh (rice cake, chicken in coconut broth).

Kafe Betawi
Lokasi Emporium Pluit Mal
Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya, RT.23/RW.8, Penjaringan, Kec. Penjaringan, Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14440
